Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Twilight Movie Night

Yes, I went and saw it. Opening night of course with a group of gals who are Twilight crazy just like me. And I'm not ashamed to admit I've seen it twice now. I just couldn't not go again. I went on a whim last night by my self. I enjoy going to the movies alone every now and then and never give a thought to what anyone thinks. But for some reason last night I felt the need to tell the guy at the ticket counter that I've already seen it once with friends. I went on about how I was there with a big group the first time and we had so much fun but I just wanted to come alone this time. And then I just kept going. I don't know why but it started to sound a little pathetic, like I was trying to prove to this young 20 year old college kid that I had friends. To put in end to my rambling and to help the next person in line he just looked at me and said "It's okay, I like to see movies by myself too... "So I walked away red faced into the theater. But anyway, I am so glad I did because I liked it even better the second time around. Can I say that I love it as much as the book-not really. But there are parts of it I LOVED!! And Robert Pattinson took my breath away as Edward-he can rescue me from vicious vampires anytime.... Here are a few pictures of us at the movie on opening day and me and my friend Sesika at the Twilight Moms luncheon a few weeks ago. I proudly admit that I triumphed in the Trivia contest. Who knows why I remember what color Charlie's cabinets are or what Bella's blood smells like to Edward but I do. And because of my mad random Twilight remembering skills, I won a mug from the actuall town of Forks!



Maursupial said...

I've been waiting to hear your verdict on Twilight since opening night and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I love going to movies by myself too and the first time I did it I pretended to talk to one of my friends on my cell phone as if I was meeting her there. Sad. Now I just walk up and buy the ticket. It's a process.

Unknown said...

Wendy--I'M SO GLAD!!! Just for your information, I have seen it three times--I'm such a nerd. But, I took Sean to a matinee and he actually liked it a lot!! Imagine that...

Melissa said...

I've been wondering about the Whitmore girls' verdicts, too!!

I'm glad you loved it. I thought it was a good adaptation, but of course, being a member of Team Jacob, I was disappointed there wasn't at least a little more storyline for him. But wow, they need to tell that young actor (Jacob) to lay off the Crest Whitening Strips next time! And wasn't his hair supposed to be short at this stage? humph.