Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fare Thee Well...

Friday we said goodbye to the Palmers. They have been great friends to our entire family. I've known Clairon for almost eight years. She is one of the first people I met when I came to Georgia and through the years of pregnancies, new babies, play dates, hours logged at the pool, bike rides(We owe Abel for showing Ryan how to ride in 10 mins) and 6 years of Book Clubbing it, we just became great friends. And as much as I begged and pleaded for her to stay, I can't really be upset that she decided to go ahead and move with her family to Connecticut so her husband can do his residency. In fact I couldn't be happier for them. They've worked hard to earn this next exciting new phase of life. We went and said a final goodbye this past Friday morning before they drove away. It was brief. It was sad. Thank goodness I was wearing sunglasses!! Afterward I went to the grocery store and did two things I'm not proud of- I bought myself Swiss Cake Rolls and a trashy magazine with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on the cover (I know, I know, but I just had to read about her latest collapse and I was already in a weakened state...) And then I got just a little choked up while talking to the check out lady about how my good friend just moved away five minutes ago and this was her grocery store too and we used to run into each other here all the time(the sentimental sap strikes again)... So my recommendations to you all and myself for future reference: Do NOT go to the same grocery store where you and your good friend used to shop because you will buy something you regret and you will embarrass yourself in front of the the check out lady. Palmers Take Care! We will miss you:)

1 comment:

Allison said...

Wendy, I just love the way you write! You are so candid and hilarious!