Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day Trippers!

After nearly 8 years of living in Georgia, I finally decided to "go the distance" and cross the state line to Alabama. For Spring Break me and my good friends Clairon Palmer and Amber Croxall decided to take our kids on a field trip to the Anniston Museum of Natural History in Anniston Alabama. It's an hour and half drive from Atlanta and a delightful place to take your family. Ryan loved it. Adelaide was terrified. You have to walk through a cave, there are giant taxidermy animals, growling bears etc. Perfect for a 5 year old boy, a little scary for a 2 year old. There is also a live outdoor Birds of Prey exhibit with owls and hawks. Both Ryan and Adelaide enjoyed that part. Perhaps the Ornithology gene has been passed on to the next generation. The best part is that hardly anyone was there. We pretty much had the museum to ourselves.
Front Row: Chaz, Ryan, Abel, Jesse, Finn, Gabriel
Back Row: Wendy, Adelaide, Amber, Clairon

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